The PRC has merged with TwitchRP and has been renamed.

Streamlist default settings changed, reminder you can temp sort using the new streamlist side panel (on the left)

Just a quick blog to state that I have changed up the default settings on the streamlist. I also added in a title expand when a stream is hovered/selected though I haven't added a toggle option for this yet in settings.

For the new defaults I have went with server gapping row, column and container and for streams names above pov, one line titles and transparent borders.

If you prefered any of the old settings or want to make the streams bigger/smaller remember you can change your settings via the cog icon on the streamlist page. You can see me messing with them here

You can sort the streamlist via the new sidepanel

Also a reminder/announcement? With the new streamlist side panel there also is a sort for the streamlist, you can sort by viewer or name and by clicking the type of sort again it will invert direction.

Sorting via the sidelist will not update as viewers change or new streams come online, they will still appear at the bottom.

I also will not be offering a way to default sort on load, keeping the order of the streams on load as semi 'random' has been an intentional design choice for a long time. It gives people the opportunity to see smaller streamers that they may not come across otherwise. That being said it is useful to be able to sort when youre actively looking for a stream, which is why I have included it in the 5.0 update.

Hope you are all enjoying the new update,

Last updated at 2021-02-10 10:02:21